Some properties of different honeys
There are different types of honeys, each of which has different properties and benefits. At first glance, due to its sweetness, the common people assume that honey is hot and hot-tempered people refuse to eat it. Basically, according to the plant origin of honey, depending on the type of flower and nectar consumed by bees, the nature of honey is also different.
Konar Honey: Cold temperament
Therapeutic properties and uses:
- Strengthening sexual and physical powers
- Relieve muscle cramps
- Solving problems of the digestive system, stomach and liver
- Increase memory
- Decreased body temperature
Coriander honey: Cold nature
Therapeutic properties and uses:
- Fragrant
- Appetizer
- stomach tonic
- Breast softener
- Reduce fever
- Improving infectious diseases such as measles and smallpox
- Cough and cold relief
- soothing
- Elimination of toxins from the body
- soporific
- milk increase
- Useful for rheumatic fevers
- Useful for mouth sores
- gum strengthening
- Heart, brain and sperm tonic
Astragalus and milkvetch : warm nature
Therapeutic properties and uses:
- Strengthening the brain and nerves
- energy producer
- Eliminate anemia
- soporific
- Strengthening the stomach and intestines
- laxative
- Improvement of voice, chest, pharynx and larynx congestion
- Relieving kidney, bladder and urinary tract pain
- Improving muscle pain (leg pain, back pain, and bone pain)
- Suitable for diabetics
Thyme honey: warm nature
Therapeutic properties and uses:
- Improvement of shortness of breath and asthma
- Improvement of painful menstruation
- Fast healing of all types of wounds and burns
- Brain and nerve tonic
- Energetic and memory booster
Orange spring honey: warm nature
Therapeutic properties and uses:
- Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants
- Brain and nerve tonic
- Memory booster
- Energizing and invigorating
- Prevention and treatment of all types of cancer
- Antimicrobial, bacterial, fungal and infection
- blood purifier
- Cholesterol reduction
- Reduce anxiety
- Improving body metabolism and weight balance